Meet Jeanette Lasater

Jeanette Lasater, MS, LMFT, has more than 20 years of experience helping people find ways to heal from their past and feel better. She received her Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Psychology from California State University Stanislaus. She began as a therapist with Tuolumne Family Health, next worked for Telecare Inc., and then for Stanislaus County – Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS). She is now in private practice.

She began her work with Stanislaus County in the Juvenile Justice program where she provided mental health services and developed a mental health treatment program for confined youth. The treatment program incorporated Aggression Replacement Training (ART). Jeanette trained juvenile hall staff in the use of ART and utilized ART in the treatment of the confined youth. She then worked 11 years with Youth and Family Services, an outpatient component of Stanislaus County BHRS, where she provided mental health services to youth and their families. Jeanette finished her service with BHRS in the Training Department as a trainer and a Clinical Supervisor. She is an Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) trainer and has trained Youth Mental Health First Aide (YMHFA). She developed and taught a training for BHRS staff about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) incorporating Polyvagal Theory, Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE), and Primo Vascular System (PVS).

Jeanette is an EFT Practitioner and has been providing workshops and trainings on EFT since 2008. She has been providing workshops and trainings on EFT since 2008. She has 10 years of training in Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) and over 20 years of experience in the use of IFS. In addtion, Jeanette is utilizing Energy Psychology techniques to deepen the transformational process

Jeanette Lasater’s Bio at EFT Universe

Jeanette Lasater’s Bio at IFS

Jeanette Lasater’s Bio at ACEP

Jeanette Lasater’s Bio at Psychology Today